Conquering German Short Rows & Increases (with Video!)

Hey knit-friends! Welcome back to the Staple Tee KAL! In our third livestream, we tackled the infamous German short rows (GSRs) to shape the neckline on our tees while also starting to increase the body and sleeves.

We all know that GSRs can be a bit tricky, especially when combined with increases. But you guys are proving that with a little patience and perseverance, anything is possible! It's been so inspiring to see knitters sharing their wins and encouraging those who are just getting started. It's like the law that no one gets GSRs right the first time. 😉 The important thing is to not get discouraged and to keep practicing!

If you missed the live fun (or just want a refresher on all the tips and tricks), grab your yarn and needles, and let's dive into the recap!

And if you haven't joined the KAL yet, it's never too late! Just sign up for the Staple Tee KAL here.

Please note that this blog post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of those links, I earn some yarn money at no extra cost to you!

Key Highlights

  • We faced our fears and conquered GSRs! (Okay, maybe "conquered" is a strong word, but we definitely made friends with them.) I walked you through each step of the process from wrapping the yarn to creating those all-important double stitches. (Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds!)

  • Catch Up with #TeamLive. We took a few minutes to hear what everyone's been up to this week, from knitting to celebrating special occasions.

  • Triple-Check That Raglan Seam: We started with a friendly reminder to double (triple!) check your raglan seam measurement. This is crucial for a comfy fit, so don't skip this step before you dive in the GSRs!

  • Neck Shaping & Stitch Markers: We went over the neck shaping instructions in the pattern and how to place your stitch markers (label them if you need to!).

  • Increase Plan: We also kicked off the increase plan, including how to read the chart and troubleshoot any glitches you might encounter.

  • Troubleshooting Tips & Q&A: We had a lively Q&A session, answering your questions about everything from stitch markers covering all sorts of helpful tips for fixing GSR mistakes.

  • Community Connection: We celebrated the amazing support and encouragement happening on Discord. Seriously, you guys are the best!

And that's just the beginning! We covered so much more in the livestream, so be sure to check out the replay for all the details and demos.

A Closer Look at the Details

The Nitty-Gritty: GSRs, Increases, and a Whole Lotta Shaping!

Alright, in our third livestream, we tackled the heart of the Staple Tee: shaping the neckline with those mysterious German Short Rows (GSRs) and starting the increase plan. Don't worry if you missed it, I've got all the deets right here!

Before We Started: A Pep Talk & A Reminder

Before we even picked up our needles, I reminded everyone to triple-check their raglan seam measurement. This measurement is crucial for a comfy fit under the arms, so it's worth double-checking before diving into the GSRs. If you need to make any adjustments, now's the time!

Let's Get Started: Neck Shaping and GSR Setup

On page 15 of your pattern, you'll find the instructions for neck shaping. (Remember, those numbers are all based on your unique measurements and gauge, so follow along carefully!)

We started by setting the stage for the GSRs to craft that perfectly shaped neckline. After our first GSR setup rounds, we also kicked off the increase plan to start shaping the body and sleeves to fit you just right.

Marker Mania (and a Tip!)

Before we could even think about those GSRs, we had to place some stitch markers – at least 7 of them, plus your beginning-of-round marker (BORM). If you're a visual person like me, try using different colored markers for the body and sleeve sections. It makes things so much easier to keep track of!

A handy tip from the pattern: markers ending in "1" face the body sections, and markers ending in "2" face the sleeves. This comes in handy when you need to increase only the sleeves or only the body in certain rounds.

Tip: I like to use contrasting colors for my stitch markers so they're easy to see. You can even label them (A1, A2, etc.) if that helps you keep track!

Ready to join the fun and knit your dream tee alongside a supportive community of knitters?

It's never too late to join the Staple Tee KAL!

Catch Up with #TeamLive

I love seeing what you all are up to in the KAL! It sounds like some of you had a busy weekend knitting by the pool, pet-sitting, celebrating Father's Day, and even attending Pride events. (Happy Pride, everyone!) You guys are busy bees! 🐝 (And a very happy belated birthday to Anna!) No matter what you were up to, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. And for those of you who haven't cast on yet, no worries! There's still plenty of time to join the fun.

GSRs: Take a Deep Breath, You've Got This!

Now for the moment of truth: German short rows! For a step-by-step breakdown of how to do them, check out this blog post: How to Do the German Short Row


  • Pull that wrap thread nice and tight to avoid any pesky holes in your fabric!

  • Follow the pattern's instructions for when to turn your work. Remember to pay close attention to your stitch markers – they'll guide you through the shaping process.

Increase Plan: Your Tee, Your Fit

Next, we jumped into the increase plan. This is where we start shaping the body and sleeves of your tee to fit your unique measurements. Remember, your increase plan is like a fingerprint – it's totally unique to you! Just follow the instructions in your pattern carefully.

Note: If you notice any inconsistencies in the pattern, double-check the written instructions on page 16, as they are always 100% accurate. If you're still having trouble, reach out to me on Discord or via email at, and I'll help you out.

Show and Tell Time!

I've been loving all the WIPs popping up on Discord! You guys are total rockstars! Seeing your progress makes me so happy. 🤩 If you haven't cast on yet, don't sweat it! There's still plenty of time to join the party. And hey, remember, you can enter multiple finished tees to increase your chances of winning some sweet prizes. So if you're feeling inspired to make a whole summer wardrobe of Staple Tees, go for it!

And to those of you who feel like you might be falling behind, please don't stress! Everyone knits at their own pace.

Participant Interaction

Chatter from the KAL Community: All the Feels!

Our KAL community is buzzing with GSR excitement, questions, tips, and even a few hilarious GSR-induced meltdowns. But that's okay! We're all learning together, and that's what the KAL is all about!

Q&A: Your GSRs + Increase Plan Questions, Answered!

During the livestream, we tackled some great questions about everything from pattern glitches to increasing tips. Here's a peek into what's been happening:

  • Q: What if the first number in my increase plan is zero?

    • A: That's a little hiccup that can happen sometimes. Double-check your gauge and raglan seam measurements. If you're still having trouble, reach out on Discord or email me – we'll figure it out together!

  • Q: What if the chart and written instructions for the increase plan don't match?

    • A: Don't panic! The written instructions on page 16 are always the most accurate, so follow those. I'm working on fixing the glitch in the chart and will send out an updated pattern as soon as possible.

  • Q: Can you tighten GSRs too much?

    • A: Nope! Tighten those wraps as much as you can to avoid holes. If you end up with a few gaps, you can always weave in your ends to tighten them up.

  • Q: Any tips for when to change to a longer cord?

    • A:  If you're using a 12-inch cord and it's feeling like you can’t fit another stitch on the needles, it's definitely time to switch to a longer pair! You can do this whenever you need and just start knitting on the new needles to transfer your stitches over.

  • Q: If the last round of my increase plan is an increase round, should I knit one more round before moving on to the body?

    • A: Yes, go ahead and knit one more round. It won't make a big difference in terms of fit, but it'll help smooth out the transition when we separate the sleeves.

  • Q: My increase plan says to increase every round. Is that right?

    • A: Yes, it can be right! It depends on your individual measurements and gauge. Again, I recommend checking your raglan seam measurement. The longer that measurement is, the more spaced out your increases will be. But even if it is accurate, your tee will still look great after you block it. 

Remember, the Discord community is always there to help if you have any more questions!

Tip Top Tips from the livestream and on Discord

  • M1L & M1R: For those new to these increases, remember, M1R (make 1 right) is worked by knitting into the front loop, and M1L (make 1 left) is worked through the back loop or you could also check out my blog post: Mastering M1L and M1R. This helps keep those increases nice and tidy!

  • GSRs for Life! This might be your first time tackling GSRs, but trust me, once you get the hang of them, you'll be using them in all sorts of projects! They're great for shaping heels in socks, adding pockets, and even creating unique necklines.

  • ​​Don't get overwhelmed by GSRs! Take it one step at a time, and don't be afraid to ask for help on Discord. We're a supportive bunch!

  • Mark your GSR turns with stitch markers to keep track of your progress.

  • Don't be afraid to rip back and try again if your GSRs don't look quite right. We've all been there!

  • Use needle tip ties (like these adorable ones from Twice Sheared Sheep) to keep your needles from slipping out of your work.

Homework Time (and a Pep Talk)

This week, your mission is to finish up those GSRs and complete the increase plan. I know it might seem a little daunting, but you've got this! Just take it one step at a time, and don't be afraid to ask for help on Discord if you need it.

P.S. Still scratching your head over those GSRs? Don't worry, I've got you covered! Check out these step-by-step guides on my blog:

Upcoming Livestream Preview

Next Up: Body - Part 1(June 23rd, 12 PM EST)

Finishing the Increase Plan & Separating for the Sleeves

In our next livestream, we'll complete the increase plan. Then, we'll get ready to separate the sleeves and start working on the body of the tee. Exciting stuff!

Additional Resources

The Staple Tee

Don't miss out on knitting the perfect tee! Grab your Staple Tee pattern now and join the KAL!

Purchase on Ravelry

Purchase on Etsy

Missed the last livestream? No worries! Catch the replay to join in on the fun, whether you're #teamlive or #teamreplay!


Shop My Favorite Supplies

〰️ Shop My Favorite Supplies

Check out these tools & yarns that I Love (and You Might Too!)

Please note that this blog post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of these links, I earn some yarn money at no extra cost to you!

Twice Sheared Sheep

Let's Talk Stitch Markers...Because Not All Are Created Equal! Well, Twice Sheared Sheep's got the cutest (and most practical!) stitch markers around. These little guys come in fun shapes and colors from adorable sheepies to sparkly beads! They're also designed by knitters, for knitters. Which means they actually work the way they're supposed to.

City Skyline blue yarn from arcane fiber works

Arcane Fiber Works

Their yarns are perfect for adding a little extra flair to your Staple Tee (and they're pretty irresistible for any project, if you ask me).

Use code NEWWAVEKNITTING for 10% off!

Kollage Square Needles

The square shape of these knitting needles makes them ergonomic, which means they are easier on your hands, wrists, and arms! These are my go-to needles for preventing arm pain.

Use code NEWWAVE10 for 10% off your order!

Twice Sheared Sheep

Twice Sheared Sheep also makes these genius little thingamajigs called Tip Ties. They're like little silicone hugs for your needles, keeping your stitches from slipping off and especially helpful when you're working on a project with lots of increases and decreases, like the Staple Tee! They also protect those precious tips from getting bent or broken. Plus, they're color-coded for easy organization! (I never lose a needle cap again, and that's saying something. 😅)

What's your biggest GSR challenge so far? Did you discover any tricks or techniques that made it easier? Let's chat about it in the comments!


Hey! I’m Jeanette, the person behind New Wave Knitting, and I wrote this blog post! How cool is that?!


Separating Sleeves & Starting the Body Livestream Recap


Cast On Party and Folding our Collars: Your Staple Tee Takes Shape!