Want to know where to get my favorite things for knitting and crafting?


Quick disclosure though! Some of the links below happen to be affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking one of those links, I make some yarn money at no extra cost to you!

Project Planning Tool

The Knitwear Capsule Wardrobe Blueprint

This robust Canva template is my go-to for planning what knitting (sometimes crochet!) projects I want to make to build my knitwear capsule wardrobe!

I made this tool to help me to make clothes I’ll actually wear, cut down on new project overwhelm, and plan out how to use my yarn stash. And it does exactly that!

If you’re looking for a knitting project planning tool, I highly recommend you give this template a shot.

Not ready to buy the Blueprint?

Get the FREE Knitwear Capsule Wardrobe Checklist!

If you like it and want even more guidance, come on back and grab the Blueprint!

The cutest and handiest knitting tools

Twice Sheared Sheep creates the best, highest-quality knitting tools that bring joy to my knitting practice while also making my knitting practice easier.

If you’re looking for knitting tools you can rely on and that make your making even better, I couldn’t recommend Twice Sheared Sheep more.

Knitwear Care Items

Sweater Shaver

Gentle Handwash Detergent