Knitting Tips: 8 Ways to Stay Motivated and Inspired

Knitting is an amazing hobby that can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction. However, it's easy to lose motivation and become discouraged when things don't go as planned or when projects take longer than expected. That's why it's important to have some tips and tools to help you stay motivated and excited about your knitting projects. In this blog post, let’s explore some ways to keep yourself motivated while knitting. I’ll also introduce you to some knitting tools that can make a big difference in your knitting experience.

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1. Set goals

Setting achievable goals is essential in knitting. When you have a clear goal in mind, you're more likely to stay focused and motivated. Whether it's finishing a sweater, learning a new stitch, or completing a certain number of rows each day, setting small, achievable goals can help you build momentum and keep going.

To make your goals even more achievable, break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Write them down in a knitting project notebook to help you keep track! And if knitting so many rows per day or per week is a goal of yours, I recommend using clip-style stitch markers to mark and track your progress. Simply clip the marker on where you are starting your knitting for the day or week keep going until you reach your goal. You can add a new stitch marker each day or week and see your progress build up over time!

Knit clothes you’ll actually wear with this FREE knitwear capsule wardrobe checklist!

2. Stay organized

Staying organized is another key to staying motivated in knitting. When you have a clear plan and know where everything is, you're more likely to stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Some simple ways to stay organized include using project bags to keep your projects separated and keeping notes on your projects' progress.

I also suggest printing out the pattern OR downloading the pattern on a tablet or phone. Whichever method you prefer, you can cross off steps as you go so you don’t lose your place and you know exactly what you need to do next.

Adding your own notes to a pattern can be very motivating as well. You may feel more encouraged to make adjustments as you see fit to make it just right for your unique tastes. I recommend notes to the pattern (whether printed or digital) if you make any adjustments. That way, if you want to make the pattern again, you’ll remember what you did the first time!

Interested in an interactive knitting pattern platform? Check out Ribblr and be sure to follow my shop!

3. Find inspiration

Finding inspiration is crucial to keeping your knitting projects exciting and fresh. There are countless places to find inspiration, from browsing knitting patterns on Ravelry to following other knitters on social media (like me!). You can also check out knitting magazines and pattern books for ideas and inspiration. By constantly exposing yourself to new ideas and techniques, you'll keep your knitting fresh and exciting.

4. Join a community

Joining a knitting community is a great way to stay motivated and connected with other knitters. There are many local knitting groups and online forums where you can connect with other knitters, ask questions, and get inspiration. My friend Fem recently started an awesome online community called The Mindful Creators, which I totally recommend!

You can also use knitting apps and attend virtual knitting events to connect with other knitters from all over the world. By building a network of supportive knitting friends, you'll stay motivated and excited about your knitting projects.

5. Don't have too many projects going at once

One of the biggest hurdles to staying motivated in knitting is having too many projects going at once. While it's tempting to start new projects and cast on for every new pattern you see, having too many projects on the go can quickly become overwhelming. It's better to focus on one or two projects at a time and finish them before moving on to something new. This way, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment when you finish each project and be less likely to feel overwhelmed.

6. Take breaks

Taking breaks is an essential part of staying motivated in knitting. When you're feeling burnt out or stuck, taking a break can help you recharge your batteries and come back to your project with fresh eyes. You can try switching to a different project or trying a new technique to keep things interesting. Remember, taking a break doesn't mean giving up on your project – it means taking care of yourself and giving yourself a chance to recharge.

7. Use row counter stitch markers

Row counter stitch markers, like the circle chain row counters available from Twice Sheared Sheep, can be a game-changer when it comes to staying motivated in knitting. These handy markers not only mark your progress, but they also keep track of your row count, making it easy to stay on track and avoid mistakes. No more trying to remember what row you're on or keeping a separate row counter! With these row counter stitch markers, you can knit more and stress less.

8. Treat yourself to new knitting tools

Finally, treating yourself to new knitting tools can be a fun and motivating way to keep your knitting exciting. There are many tools available that can make a big difference in your knitting experience, from knit extension cords to a handy and cute measuring tape. You can also invest in tools like project bags, knitting journals, and knitting-themed accessories to make your knitting time more enjoyable. Not only will these tools help you stay motivated, but they'll also make knitting even more enjoyable.

Knitting is a wonderful hobby that can bring a lot of joy and satisfaction, but can often get set down and forgotten. By following these tips, you can keep your knitting exciting and enjoyable. Remember, knitting should be fun, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things!

Do you have any tips or techniques to help you stay motivated with your knitting? Comment below!


Hey! I’m Jeanette, the person behind New Wave Knitting, and I wrote this blog post! How cool is that?!


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